New Year's Resolution?

Happy New Year!!  It's the time of year when people are 'programmed' into making resolutions for themselves, generally for some positive changes they would like to see in their lives during the new year.  Well, let's look a bit deeper into this concept of 'New Year's Resolutions' and see if they are actually helping us make the positive changes that we seek for the new year.  Many people are on a merry-go-round, they make a New Year's resolution, stick with it for a few weeks or even months and then give up BEFORE reaching their goal (which may or may not have been clearly defined in the first place), and they keep repeating this pattern year, after year, after year.  What they have actually done is programmed their subconscious mind (which is the part of your mind that is really 'running the show') into keeping them from ever reaching their goal.  In other words, if you give up before you reach a goal, your mind records this pattern and makes you repeat it again and again until YOU change the pattern by beginning to set and REACH your goals.  If this sounds familiar to you, a helpful way to set and achieve your New Year's resolution (or any goal), is to start with small goals and work your way up to a larger goal (similar to starting a large project and breaking it down into smaller mini-projects).  As you reach each goal, you will gain confidence, faith and a good feeling about what you've accomplished and what you can accomplish going forward.  You will also be programming your subconscious mind to run on autopilot and help you reach any goal that you set in the future.

Let's say your New Year's resolution (or goal) is to lose 30 pounds, going from 150 pounds down to 120.  Zero-in or really focus your mind on being a person who actually weighs 120 pounds.  Set mini-goals of yourself getting down to 145 pounds, pat yourself on the back and then set a new mini-goal to get to 140, and so on until you reach your ultimate goal.  Once you start toward your New Year's resolution or goal do not stop until you reach your ultimate goal (whatever it may be for you) or DO NOT SET A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION IN THE FIRST PLACE!  Remember, it is much better to never set a goal than to set one and then quit before you reach it, because if you quit you will be programming your own mind for quitting and you certainly do not want that.  But, if you set out toward your goal and temporarily fail or do not reach it, use your will to keep yourself going little by little until you reach your goal.  You CAN do it!

Using Your Will To Help You Reach Your Goal

The proper use of your will can get your further along in reaching any goal than just about anything else can.  This is the power (that you already possess) to control your habitual thoughts, actions and yes emotions.  It may take practice but you do have the power to do it.  Since this new year's resolution or goal is most likely going to be a new 'habit' that you are trying to form (such as getting more exercise or eating more veggies and less sweets to help you lose weight and get down to your 'perfect weight'), you are going to need to use your will to keep yourself consciously on this path until your subconscious mind absorbs this new 'habit' and it become automatic, when this happens you will no longer have to stop and think about what's the right thing for you to eat or how ofter you need to exercise to help you reach your goal, you will begin to do these things automatically and that's where you ultimately what to be.  If you make automatic it will not seem like such a 'drag' to do, it will just seem 'normal' to your mind.
